What's the best way to get information to your sisters? There are so many ways to communicate these days, but I still prefer a newsletter. And for our older sisters, they often like a printed newsletter.
I have two options for news letters. This set can be edited in Microsoft Word. Click the image below for more information.
My new set can be edited online with Canva, a few design website. Click the picture below for more information.
If you are new to making a newsletter - you can try my
JANUARY newsletter for free.
*When you click the newsletter below, you will be redirected to Canva.com. If you don't have an account, don't worry, it's free and it's easy! Click SIGNUP and follow the prompts for quick account setup. or choose "Use this template"  if prompted and begin editing the text.
And for other designs to help you in your calling, in your home and in your family, check out my shop.
Check out my new LDS wedding shop.