Hi There!
Let me first say - welcome! No need to cozy up with a blanket and a warm drink - I'll make this quick.
I'm super excited to start blogging again. I blogged for several years when my kiddos where little, but stopped after the devastated error that deleted all my blog pictures. We're talking ALL of them. Like the time by middle child walked back naked from the golf course because he got wet - gone. Or the time my oldest performed in her first Nutcracker - gone. And then there were several posts about the youngest who made note-worthy messes - gone, well actually some of those messes were permanent, so they aren't totally gone. 2015 was a digitally disastrous year for me.
But here I am again. Now my kiddos are all teenagers, door-slamming, busy-with-sports teenagers, and one is off to college. In the midst of raising these 3 beautiful children, whom I actually do adore, I decided to take my digital designs to Etsy. This space here has been created to showcase what I'm doing there - MKennedyDesigns.esty.
I just changed jobs after teaching computers to elementary students for the past 7 years. I'm a late-night digital designer. Gone are the days of putting the littles to bed while I enjoy a quiet night of designing - teenagers never go to bed! I found a passion for computer design when I took my first drafting class in high school. To this day, I never tire of looking at house plans as I imagine all the interior details! As design technology has evolved, so has my focus. Today you'll find me creating gift tags, invitations, templates and more!
You might also catch a glimpse of my real life. I'm actually all about keeping it real. I don't stage insta-worthy photos. I'm often without makeup. I struggle in the kitchen. And I can't keep my house clean to save my life! But if you need something designed, that I can do!
Thanks for stopping by. Take a look around!