I love Easter and Spring. It's a sacred holiday with less distractions than many others. One thing we have always done, is we separated the Easter Bunny from Easter Sunday. The bunny always hid eggs on Saturday.

As you venture into the teenage years, many likely stop all the Easter fun. But at our house, you're never too old! You're never too old to believe in Santa, you're never too old to go Trick-or-treating, and you're never too old for the Easter Bunny. Well, ok - the Bunny doesn't come, we don't ever talk about the Easter Bunny, but we still have egg hunts and holiday fun.

We have done an indoor scavenger hunt several times and in different locations {our house, Grandparents, an Airbnb, etc.) The clues work at most houses. While we typically don't do the clues for outside because it's often snowy, wet or just plain cold. And we're talking teenagers - getting cold has to be completely voluntary if you don't want to hear complaining.

Tips for doing a scavenger hunt where each child has their own clues (so, the clues are all the same, the trick is to make them go in different order so the kids aren't following each other):
Snag my Easter scavenger hunt clues to make this easy.
Place the gifts in each location (I do the same gifts in the same spots.)
Arrange the clues in random order for each color (with the "end of hunt" egg at the bottom). Try to make each color order different from the other color.
The first clue is put in their basket with the sign telling them which color is theirs.
Then follow the clues in the order you have them and attach them to the gifts you have placed there. You will do this separately for each child's egg clues.
In full disclosure I have done this several different ways and have gone cross-eyed trying to master it and map it all out on paper. Last year I had an aha moment - this is the easiest way.
I got burned out of egg hunts that were full of candy. It was just gobs of sugar. And we love sugar - I am not an all natural mom. But we just recouped from Christmas' sugar and Valentine's sugar, etc. So here's some gifts we have done over the years - perfect for teens that won't break the bank.
Chocolate Bunny (it's tradition)
Eggs with cash
a plastic egg with candy in it (not every spot needs to be something big)
Glitter Pens
fruit snacks (legit, we have not outgrown these at our house)
Favorite treats (for us it's beef sticks, chocolate animal crackers, sour candies and Pockies)
Low $ gift cards to places they like to eat
Phone charging cords (we love getting different colors so everyone knows who stole who's)
Scratch art notecards (we've done both loose-leaf and spiral bound)
Beach towels
MY MUST HAVE recommendation
The EggMazing Egg Decorator. This is our favorite. Seriously the best way to decorate eggs with teens and adults. The possibilities are endless. You do have to take turns, but it makes for a fun and low-key evening.
This video is a scavenger hunt I planned for my daughter and her friends. The clues are location specific, but maybe it will give you ideas of what to do. They received a clue on their phone. They went to that location, found a bag with a challenge. They would send me a video of them doing that challenge, and then I would send them their next clue. It ended with a traditional egg hunt around our yard. So fun. Eggs with candy, small $ gift cards and toys. This was the best!
They also made Easter Egg homemade pizzas.

Last year I sent my girl an Easter package to share with her roomies. It included a fancy sugar cookie kit (made by my amazing sister), goofy bunny ear glasses for everyone, sidewalk chalk, and egg decorating packet. I love to send her things that will create memories with her roommates.
I also have an Easter care package in my shop with tags to put on fun gifts.
Hope this helps you celebrate this amazing holiday with teens and young adults. Make it memorable - make it fun!
To add some sacredness to the real reason for Easter, check out my other Easter posts.
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