Doing a Sister Spotlight is always fun - no matter the age. It's a great way to get to know each other a little better. Young Women especially love it {maybe even more when it includes a treat}. There's so many different ways it can be done.

read clues from the All About Me form and see if the girls can guess who it is
simply post a spotlight on your bulletin board as often as your youth numbers allow
send the spotlight out digitally, or share just a part of it in your newsletter
share spotlights during the month of their birthday
use them at girls camp
You can download these forms for free below.
And if you want to be able to edit the topics, you can find a form template in my shop. It also has the option of putting a picture in it (but you probably need to get permission to use pictures if you plan to post it in the church building).
These forms coordinate with my Young Women set this year.
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