Our local food pantry posted that they were in need of some MEALS to GO. The timing was perfect with a large group coming to our house for Thanksgiving, we all pitched in to make these bags. It was quick, easy and fun service during a day focused on gratitude!
Since these sack lunches end up being the main meal for the homeless each day, we were asked to fill them with the following:
Utensils wrapped in a napkin
Water bottle
One main protein- (pop top canned soup or chili or meat pouch or small peanut butter)
Pudding cup
Fruit cup
Fruit snack
Cheese crackers (cracker sandwhiches)
3-4 small candies (Jolly Ranchers and Lifesavers)
Snack size cookies (we included granola bars instead)
Water flavor packet
I wanted to make a little tag to go into each bag; let the cousins put a personnal touch in with it. When I searched online for ideas - everything was "God loves you." And while I agree, He does, I also wanted it to be a little human and something to smile about. So we did jokes instead.
To encourage everyone to find ways to serve and help those who are struggling - I'm offering these tags up for free. Download. Print. Color. And share GOD's LOVE!
For more treat tags, check out my shop.
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